Why subscribe?

We’ve been in the midst of a crisis of trust for some time now—From media to government to science—And sadly, it’s been well-deserved. My goal here is to share important information about medical science, politics, and industry from the most neutral perspective I can muster as a flawed human.

Whereas many of us have developed misgivings about our healthcare system after witnessing the egregious handling of the Covid pandemic, my distrust began far earlier. After 25 top doctors failed to help me, I was stuck with a mystery illness that left me bedbound for almost two years and on the brink of death for roughly half that time. Unrecognizable to my former self, I’d lost 50 lbs, was severely anemic, developed profound arthritis of almost every joint, and had fevers to 102F every night. I needed daily home care because I couldn’t even sit up or turn over in bed on my own.

Spoiler alert: In the last inning I solved my own medical riddle and saved my own life. I brought myself back to good health. (Even wrote a best-selling book about it!) In a nutshell, I’m not only a doctor and researcher—I’ve been the victim of a broken medical system who came through it by putting the puzzle pieces together. That’s why you should subscribe. I figure stuff out from the somewhat unique perspectives of physician and researcher, along with jaded and disenfranchised patient.

And if there is a silver lining from having taken this trip to Hell and back, it’s this: I no longer have any patience for narratives, propaganda, and smear campaigns.

So if you, like me, have no desire to be lied to, manipulated, and patronized by individuals and organizations who should be doing just the opposite, join the club. You’ve found a home here.

Subscribe now to get full access to the newsletter, podcast, and website. Paid subscribers will not only have access to exclusive content, but you’ll also be able to post comments and be part of the ZeroSpin community. To express my gratitude to Founding Members, you’ll also receive two complimentary 12-month gift subscriptions upon sign up—And when there are more than 50 Founding Members subscribed, I’ll plan to start hosting Zoom meetings every 3 months to take suggestions for medical mysteries that you’d like me to investigate and write about.

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Truth. It’s the only real currency we have.

Subscribe to ZeroSpin

My unapologetic insights into the good, the bad, & the ugly sides of medicine, politics, & industry, from as neutral a perspective as I can muster being a flawed human--The truth sets us free.


Wharton to Wall St, then went to Med School on a dare, Yale-trained physician, researcher, biotech founder, & bestselling author.